Established in 2003, Kriya Arts is a cutting edge arts and production company with a passion for making creative and innovative work in a wide variety of mediums. Our aim is to make the world a more compassionate and extraordinary place. We have a wide range of interests that cover all aspects of the industry from event management, producing and consultancy, to performing, directing, design and writing; with the company securing highly respected industry contracts early on, including six years with world famous fool Jonathan Kay and three years with annual street arts festival the Streets of Brighton.
The company's drive comes from a range of highly creative skills that encompass the whole of the performing arts world, event organising and beyond. Company director Jolie Rose (formerly Booth) has worked for two decades as an artist and producer. She comes to the table as a theatre practitioner who appreciates how wonderful it is to have someone take over the jobs that are drawing your attention away from the creative process. Kriya Arts is plugged into a large network of highly skilled individuals from all areas of the performing arts industry, who can be tapped into to help you with any kind of performance production. We offer consultancy and our fees are negotiable, allowing us to work with emerging, as well as established, artists. Nothing is too grand, crazy or impossible. Limitations are seen as challenges and not problems.
Kriya Arts are dream weavers.
Kriya (in Sanskrit "action, deed, effort") most commonly refers to a "completed action". It is the moment of transformation when a pattern of Karma is broken.